Talking To Your Teen About Sexting

Many parents are unsure how to talk to a teen about the potential consequences and dangers of "sexting," that is, using a cell phone or computer to send naked pictures or videos. In other cases, the teenage humiliation of enduring naked pictures being spread around has to lead to violence and suicide. Children who have access to a cell phone or computer must understand the consequences of what seems to them to be private and innocuous communication.

As teenagers are generally more knowledgeable and savvy than adults about cell phones and computers, it adds an additional challenge for parents just to keep up with the latest technology and uses. And it's certainly not something a child will be eager to discuss.

Using this vicarious experience will allow both parent and child to involve in it without any personal details. Directly asking a child whether he or she has ever done this or know someone who has, only puts the child in a position to lie or get secretive (even subversive) with this topic and possibly others. The indirect approach will hopefully keep the lines of communication open.

Despite the surprise and confusion about this new phenomenon, a parent can accept what a child is saying ("everyone does it" or "it was supposed to be just her belly button") without expressing judgement or disagreement. Ultimately, loss of cell phone or computer privileges may need to be discussed, as a consequence of misuse.

Sexting can be fun for teenagers who are of a specific age. However, it’s essential for them to have the hard talk with the parents to know the safe limits and what not to do. Parents should be well aware of how their teenagers are behaving and the activities they are indulging in. It’s crucial for them to understand the need of talking to their children about the risks, disadvantages and things that they are prohibited from doing.

Adults who are parents can also indulge in such sexual activities that might be great for them. It’s crucial for them to understand that their age shouldn’t prevent them from having to try out different things in their lives. If you’re a parent of a teenager, ensure that you monitor their activities and the way they behave. Ensure that you discuss activities with them and what is permissible and what isn’t. Allow them to understand that this is not a case of weird harassment or abuse and that it should be done to enjoy and take pleasure with their girlfriends or boyfriends.
